History: Quince Capital

Barcep Finance was owned by the Barlows Group and formed in 1988 in order to provide in-house finance solution through asset backed finance to Nashua and Panasonic franchises.

In 1993 Reunert Ltd acquired controlling interests in Barcep Finance, Nashua and Panasonic. The registered name was subsequently changed from Barcep Finance to RC&C Finance Company (Pty) Ltd.

The company initially traded as RC&C Finance and in 2001 changed to Nashua Finance. In November 2009, the name was changed to Quince Capital (Pty) Ltd in order to provide us with greater flexibility to capitalize on possibly future opportunities, not only within the Reunert Group, but also outside of the Group.

Quince Capital (Pty) Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Reunert Ltd.

Currently Quince Capital trade under the following names:

  • Nashua Finance
  • Quince Capital