Corporate Social Investment
Commitment of Quince capital
Quince Capital is committed to corporate social investment, which involves uplifting the communities in which we operate. We, focus on charities that render care to children. The needs of these charities are vast, so we strive to make a difference where we can.
Liezel Pienaar
“Charity is so close to my heart and I am indeed privileged to manage the CSI portfolio on behalf of the company. Strong relationships have been established with our charities over time. Being involved with charities over the past few years has taught me great humility. Charity work provides a sense of purpose and is fun and challenging. It has connected me with many wonderful people who are making significant differences to the lives of others.”
“We rise by lifting others” – Robert Ingersoll
“It is when you give of yourself that you truly give” – Kahlil Gibran
“Be the change you want to see in the world” – Mahatma Gandhi